Čestitke! Uspelo ti je najti skrito povabilo. S tem si dokazal, da imaš radovednost in spretnosti, ki jih iščemo pri Hack Club FERI. A to je šele začetek. Kot ekipa smo močno povezani in radi sodelujemo pri izzivih. Pričakujemo redno udeležbo, saj smo skupaj močnejši in vsak član prispeva k uspehu. Sodelovali bomo na CTF tekmovanjih, ki vključujejo raznolike kategorije, kot so: - Kriptografija - Povratni inženiring - Spletna varnost - Izkoriščanje ranljivosti - Forenzika https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=TkbxjrYonUSVvuZp7j0IrAjgma6u0ohMpBEhkJ7btXtURDNMODBNRFFZUlQyNElBUDhGS0lKRklNWi4u Vabimo te, da postaneš del ekipe, ki raste skupaj. Si pripravljen? Se vidimo, Hack Club FERI ################################################################################### Congratulations! You've found the hidden invitation. By doing so, you've shown the curiosity and skills we're looking for at Hack Club FERI. But this is just the beginning. As a team, we are closely connected and enjoy working together to solve challenges. We expect regular participation, as we're stronger together and every member contributes to our success. We'll be competing in CTFs that cover a wide range of categories, such as: - Cryptography - Reverse Engineering - Web Security - Exploitation - Forensics https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=TkbxjrYonUSVvuZp7j0IrAjgma6u0ohMpBEhkJ7btXtURDNMODBNRFFZUlQyNElBUDhGS0lKRklNWi4u Join a team that grows together. Are you ready? See you, Hack Club FERI